Tuesday, July 20, 2010


thoughts i brought home
from being away
second guessing motives
still caught in the sway
undressing ideas
compromising feelings
gone under cover
on to secret dealings
the paint was set
the glue was dry
too soon before I wanted
too soon to wonder why
instead of moving on
go with what I had
secure with the known evil
invariably sad
but other than prediction
there was no other source
to take my future lightly
or handle it with force
thinking for the better
hoping for the good
I did what I was able
instead of what I should
is this my lesson?
the moral to my tale?
never wanting more again
no risk therefore no fail?
what could I deal with
what could I gain
from stepping into the fire
except inevitable pain?
here is my conundrum
the riddle I ignore
to stay in solitary
or strive for something more
what'ere I choose to act on
I'll never come out clean
so fuck the pussy-footing
Its time to get real mean
forget the son's of bitches
who put me in my place
I'll tear your world to pieces
and throw it in your face
once I am elected
back up on my feet
I'll know the taste of victory
could never be as sweet